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Multimedia resourses and interaction



Scope >> Mathematics

Digital-Text’ Mathematics textbooks begin with situations from students’ every day life in order to construct mathematical knowledge step by step. They emphasize the historical perspective and the relation of Mathematics with other branches of knowledge, with the goal of transmitting the idea that Mathematics is a tool for resolving real-life problems and not a mere abstraction. Furthermore, they take advantage of the digital format to implement functionalities of special interest in the study of Mathematics, such as problems with randomly generated data, the visualization of geometrical, abstraction and reasoning processes, mental calculation video games, and self-correcting exercises.

Available for:

Grades 5–10 (Ages 12-16)

Subject contents

  1. Natural numbers
  2. Divisibility
  3. Integers
  4. Fractions
  5. Decimal numbers
  6. Linear equations
  7. Polynomials
  8. Equations and first degree systems
  9. Systems of measurement
  10. Fundemental concepts of plane geometry
  11. Perimeter and area
  12. Thales’ theorem and the pythagorean theorem
  13. Circumference and circle
  14. Space geometry
  15. Volume and area of geometric bodies
  16. Proportionality
  17. Tables, graphs and functions
  18. Statistics
  19. Real numbers
  20. Powers and radicals
  21. Logarithms
  22. Second degree equations
  23. Polynomials
  24. Inequalities
  25. The affine function
  26. The parabola
  27. Functions
  28. Polygonal chains and polygons
  29. Perimeter and area
  30. Trigonometry
  31. Vectors
  32. Combinatorics
  33. Probability

Table of contentsPDF document
